Super Neat Beat Cheat Sheet from Propellerhead
These Youtube tutorials from Propellerhead are really useful even if you don’t use Reason.
I encourage you all to check them out.
These Youtube tutorials from Propellerhead are really useful even if you don’t use Reason.
I encourage you all to check them out.
will chech it, thanks... i'll add this, also somethign which can be applied to all
Slovakian humor!
Lol i was for a while scratching my head what is happening here .. now i understand .. i didn't noticed that "ryan's picks" video i linked here is already in that video list 🤣
Anyway that video is so much informative that it is good idea to link it here twice

I am pretty sure he said slovakian humor because you spelled “check” as “chech” i think they are playing off “czech” 😉
Chech is from Chechnya, Czech is from Czechia !

Same issue like with Slovakia vs. Slovenia
Is it possible to draw in pitch dives as shown in the 808 video like he’s explaining from 10:20 in the video?
@T4H Yes, using Obsidian. You can automate pitch bend. To set pitch bend range to +/- 12 semitones go to mod matrix page, locate "Pitch Wheel to Coarse Tune" modulation slot and then change amount from 2 (which is default) to 12
Now go to part auyomation and automate pitch bend exactly like in that video
Just tried it out! NIIIICCCEEEE!!! Obsidian is really turning out to be a godsend, I’m learning to like it more and more. Thanks for the help
Yes, but you are fond of mispellings my friend. Check(misspelled chech) sounds like Czech. As if you were saying “I’ll Czech it out.” Yeah, I know it’s stupid, MY stupid, but struck me a bit funny.
yeah, got the point..
truth is, i'm king of typos... even in slovak language :-)))
I finally get it. You don't use a spell [cough]check[/cough] because you're tying to get people to understand that you're Slovakian and not Czech.
Actuall i AM Czech, at least at 50%
I was borg(*) in Czech republic and half of my family is from there.
(*) intentionally not corrected this epic typo
Oh, what the Czech. Dad jokes complete.
Btw my borg roots explains from where comes my energy for all that forumspamming...
Dendy is ‘non-Spell Czech from Slovakia’.
I assumed that you just write as fast as you can trying to keep up with the speed of your thoughts, and correcting spelling would just slow you down too much.
I finally got around to watching the video in the OP. I appreciate the link - interesting.
Are there lots of people going through all that work to create a bass sound? Wow.
Didn’t expect that
I was born in czechoslovakia :DDD
That makes 2 so far!
I was born in West Germany. Anybody else...?