Super Neat Beat Cheat Sheet from Propellerhead

These Youtube tutorials from Propellerhead are really useful even if you don’t use Reason.

I encourage you all to check them out.


  • will chech it, thanks... i'll add this, also somethign which can be applied to all

  • @dendy said:
    will chech it, thanks...

    Slovakian humor!

  • edited January 2019

    @SlapHappy said:

    Slovakian humor!

    Lol i was for a while scratching my head what is happening here .. now i understand .. i didn't noticed that "ryan's picks" video i linked here is already in that video list 🤣

    Anyway that video is so much informative that it is good idea to link it here twice :mrgreen::trollface:

  • edited January 2019

    @dendy said:

    Lol i was for a while scratching my head what is happening here .. now i understand .. i didn't noticed that "ryan's picks" video i linked here is already in that video list 🤣

    Anyway that video is so much informative that it is good idea to link it here twice :mrgreen::trollface:

    I am pretty sure he said slovakian humor because you spelled “check” as “chech” i think they are playing off “czech” 😉

  • edited January 2019

    Chech is from Chechnya, Czech is from Czechia ! :mrgreen::trollface:

    Same issue like with Slovakia vs. Slovenia :)))

  • Is it possible to draw in pitch dives as shown in the 808 video like he’s explaining from 10:20 in the video?

  • edited January 2019

    @T4H Yes, using Obsidian. You can automate pitch bend. To set pitch bend range to +/- 12 semitones go to mod matrix page, locate "Pitch Wheel to Coarse Tune" modulation slot and then change amount from 2 (which is default) to 12

    Now go to part auyomation and automate pitch bend exactly like in that video

  • Just tried it out! NIIIICCCEEEE!!! Obsidian is really turning out to be a godsend, I’m learning to like it more and more. Thanks for the help

  • @dendy said:
    Chech is from Chechnya, Czech is from Czechia ! :mrgreen::trollface:

    Same issue like with Slovakia vs. Slovenia :)))

    Yes, but you are fond of mispellings my friend. Check(misspelled chech) sounds like Czech. As if you were saying “I’ll Czech it out.” Yeah, I know it’s stupid, MY stupid, but struck me a bit funny.

  • yeah, got the point..

    truth is, i'm king of typos... even in slovak language :-)))

  • @dendy said:
    yeah, got the point..

    truth is, i'm king of typos... even in slovak language :-)))

    I finally get it. You don't use a spell [cough]check[/cough] because you're tying to get people to understand that you're Slovakian and not Czech. ;)

  • edited January 2019

    e you're tying to get people to understand that you're Slovakian and not Czech

    Actuall i AM Czech, at least at 50% :lol:

    I was borg(*) in Czech republic and half of my family is from there.

    (*) intentionally not corrected this epic typo

  • Oh, what the Czech. Dad jokes complete.

  • Btw my borg roots explains from where comes my energy for all that forumspamming...

  • @dendy said:
    yeah, got the point..

    truth is, i'm king of typos... even in slovak language :-)))

    Dendy is ‘non-Spell Czech from Slovakia’.
    I assumed that you just write as fast as you can trying to keep up with the speed of your thoughts, and correcting spelling would just slow you down too much.

  • I finally got around to watching the video in the OP. I appreciate the link - interesting.
    Are there lots of people going through all that work to create a bass sound? Wow.

  • @dendy said:

    Actuall i AM Czech, at least at 50% :lol:

    I was borg(*) in Czech republic and half of my family is from there.

    (*) intentionally not corrected this epic typo

    Didn’t expect that :) I was born in czechoslovakia :DDD

  • That makes 2 so far!
    I was born in West Germany. Anybody else...?

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