time stretching (in the sample editor) : is it possible ?
I guess not because when I wrote « stretching » in the research bar I (strangely) found only one topic named : how yo fake time stretching (with Obsidian). So I guess I probably have my answer but one never knows...
It would be so nice though... Just tell me anyway so I’m fixed, thank you
At the moment not possible, but it is on wishlist of soo many people (including me
) - i believe sooner or later it will be added, it is for sure one of things on Matt's lightyears long todo list, we just need to be patient ..
Had you tried my trick ?
That is a great trick!
I’m glad you ask because I didn’t understand at all what you did and I was hesitating to ask you 🤭... so thank you !
now hit playback... try change project tempo - loop is still playing synced :-))
Timestretching without real timestretching :-)))
thank you for the explanation, I’ll test this tomorrow !