Kq Dixie CC update working with ns2
Been eyeing Dixie for a while. The new update’s probably tipped it for me. Before I grab it can anyone confirm it’s all working correct for automation in ns2 (host automation and via midi au like Rozeta etc)?
Like a charm. Dixie was always one of those plugins without any even small issues. Most faithful DX7 clone ever, in all platforms !
Thanks for confirming
Yeah not sure what stopped me getting already! Toddles off to App Store to buy
Dendy, does Dixie support microtonal tunings like the original DX7 did?
No idea. What it does ? I mean i know what is microtuning in general, but what exactly it did on DX7 ? Ability to create different tonal mapping than default chromatic scale ?
If yes, then didn't saw such thing there ..
KQ Dixie is great!
So far I've only encountered a dozen or so old DX7 patches that it won't load correctly, out of about 400+ I've tried.
Not sure about microtuning though, never had the need.
In other iOS DAWs it runs very efficiently as well, one of the most stable synth plugins in my experience (almost as solid as @brambos plugins...almost).
I reached out to the developer of KQ Dixie a while back about adding microtonality. They seemed fairly uninterested in implementing it even though several of the original DX and TX synths had this functionality :-(
Still dreaming that iOS will eventually gain some more microtonal tools. The tricky part about doing microtonal music is getting things to play together in the same tunings. Especially when different apps use different approaches/formats for tuning.
This is the sad compromise of equal temperament (all instruments are in tune with each other, but out of tune with themselves!)
yep, the dx7 with grey matter (as well as the DX7iifd, DX11, TX802, TX81Z, and a few of the others) was capable of full keyboard pitch remapping, making them fairly capable tools for microtonal music.
here's to hoping that NS2 will get the microtonal treatment!
obsidian in just intonation... now that would be a treat.
It’ll be wonderful if Obsidian gets the microtonal treatment! I’m working on it, and Matt is fully aware of it too. I suppose what will have to be discussed though is just how it would be implemented in the piano roll.
although i'm not much interested in making microtonal music, im all in for implementing it, because i'm pretty sure DAW with proper implementation of microtonality should have BIG advantage compared to any competition
but of course i may be wrong :-) Just somehow feel it may be the case.. hard to say how big is demand for such feature in musicians community
I like messing with microtonal but it’s pretty niche compared to a ton of bread and butter features that ns2 should prioritise imho, at least if sales are priority.
it doesn't need to be represented in the piano roll. would be cool, but too complicated when you have 53 pitches per octave.
Nice and simple.. TUN and/or Scala import would do the trick.
This is a synth that I've never heard too much about. Not a big fan of the DX7 sound (as it was absolutely EVERYWHERE as many of you recall). Do folks do other less "rhodesy" stuff with it and more radical and disturbing noise?
It loads DX7 patches of which there are thousands online. Somewhere on the AB forum there’s a link that encompasses most of them in one big zip file. The downside of this app is the weird file management. I mostly use it as a player so I’m not bothered by that so much. Try this link:
yes, I'm not saying it should be top priority, but you'll notice that most of the heavy hitters out there (desktop and hardware) nearly always have microtonal capability, and there's a reason for this.
Thanks. It’s cheap but I’m on the fence ...