Midicontrollers for transport

edited June 2019 in Feature Requests

Hi, I've been using NS2 for a week now and so far it's been a very nice experience. I've connected it to a digital piano using a midi interface without problems. The iPad is on the music stand of my piano.
I would love to have a simple transportcontrol/mixer device next to the iPad, something like the Bluetooth Korg Nanocontrol Studio for example: https://korg.com/us/products/computergear/nanokontrol_studio/
I searched the NS2 manual and these forums but it's completely unclear to me if this would work. Are transport controls supported in NS? What about the jogwheel and the faders? Any other experiences or tips concerning external controllers?
Thanks !


  • edited December 2018

    currently you can just map mixer faders and pan to mici CC (open mixer track detail view, there is midi learn tab, by default midi cc 7 controls volume fader and midi cc 10 controls pan on selected - active channel )

    you cannot control transport using midi for now ..

  • Thanks, that's what i wanted to know!

  • Is there a way to map the different faders so they work even when the track is not selected so you can mix a track live through an external midi controller without having to select tracks individually as you go? Thanks

  • edited April 2019

    @iklooshar said:
    Is there a way to map the different faders so they work even when the track is not selected so you can mix a track live through an external midi controller without having to select tracks individually as you go? Thanks

    Yes. You can set each track to receive on a separate midi channel in the in/out tab. Just make sure you choose the “Track receives midi when ALWAYS” option on the same tab to do what you’re looking for.

    Channel and track receives settings will also affect how note data (and everything else) is routed from your controller, fyi.

  • edited April 2019

    @legsmechanical said:

    Yes. You can set each track to receive on a separate midi channel in the in/out tab. Just make sure you choose the “Track receives midi when ALWAYS” option on the same tab to do what you’re looking for.

    Channel and track receives settings will also affect how note data (and everything else) is routed from your controller, fyi.

    I haven't actually tried this but if your fader controller will only send on a single channel, you should still be able to do it. MIDI learn the faders one by one. Then go and set the track to MIDI -> ALWAYS as @iklooshar suggested. Leave all MIDI channels enabled and it should work.

    Be careful with recording automation though—not sure how that will play out exactly. Also, as noted, if you have ALWAYS selected and all tracks have all MIDI channels enabled you might also run into duplication issues when recording any sort of MIDI data (including notes).

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