nanostudio and sequencing
Continuous overwhelm with ns2, the perfect program.
• an "external midi instrument" midi track loop routed to auria, and a slate beat.
• an "emi" instance routed to aum and an au or iaa app, with arps&midi echo.
• a emi with sends to internal tracks.
• aum sending to that emi.
• quantum midisequencer & nanostudio. smooth. especially with slate drums,
• quantum playing auria and nanostudio.
• etc. and any combo thereof. Complexeasity
Woof. That’s a lot of routing 🤯
good to hear that also people with IQ > 180 are using Nanostudio
Sounds like pretty much rocket science made by mad scientist :-)
Utter boffinery. Well done.
I love this combo. Easy peasy to set up new synths for additional quantum 'racks'. Easy CC sequencing too.
I name the Quantum and NanoStudio projects the same for later recall.
A not-so-obvious find while sequencing from nano with an external midi track: ... Slate drum midi out
... route a midi send from a Slate track to an e.m.t. (ch.10) and out to a drum app (which? nanostudio on another device) ...
As @Will said in the audiobus thread, nanostudio also is a multitimbral synth station, and especially in the situation I had to get rabbitholed in naturally, midi-sequencing between three nanostudios on three interconnected/synced (older) devices, turning into a hypertimbral space station (trying to keeping the cool with x (midi) tracks/channels on each one of them
Woa. Want to see/hear that in action!
Sounds almost like my idea of sending all 32 pads from Slate each one into individual Obsidian instances a use them as powerfull drum synthetizers per pad
Or slicers, in cobination with Obsidians "Velocity > Sample offset" modulation 
How would I do this. I was looking in the manual for this, and I couldn't work out how to route slate pads to Obsidian instances.
Well, this is quite a bit beyond the manual… the sending bit is easy, you can set midi sends in the mixer and if you make the Obsidians child tracks to the Slate, you can set sends to them all with a single tap.
But what I haven’t figured out is how dendy is making the Obsidians only respond to a specific note. The multisampler OSC can do this because it’s easy to map just a single key to a sample and leave the rest empty, but he’s talking about ”drum synthesis”, which implies using the other OSCs. I’m missing something here. 🤨🧐 I think it could be done with velocity splits but that’s way too much setting up.
Really looking forward to the reveal!
Set the note min and max to a single note in the track setup?
Ah, did not think to look there, of course! Thanks, @Will !
No, this filter is applied just to notes which are comming from external MIDI input (virtual one or hardware)
In current public version, for now only solution is to use sampler oscillator in Obsidian and use zone limited just to single note (which btw. works pretty well in many scenarios - you can use single cycle waveform like oscillators and apply all available modulations, which gives you still pretty good drum synthesis options
If you want use all oscillators in Obsidian, but receive just single note from Slate, you need wait to NS update - AUfx plugins package "MIDI Tools" = contains "MIDI Key Zone" plugin (it doesn't work in current public version) - this plugin will allow you (when inserted on Obsidian track) limit notes which are passed into Obsidian lets say just to "C2".
Damn. Guess if one were motivated you could do this via MIDI loopback using something like MIDIFlow and/or MIDIFire/MIDI Tools hosted in AUM.
Probably easier: make the basic beat with samples in Slate, recording each pad to a new track lane. Then, move the lanes to Obsidian tracks and drum synth away.
Thanks! This at least gives me something to work with.
So when is this new update coming?
Incidentally something I'm really starting to appreciate with Obsidian is that you can use the performance macros to design synth templates. So you can build a synth out that implements a particular kind of kick drum synthesis, and then just set each macro control to control different aspects of the sound. Allows you to build your own drum machine in Nano Studio. Each one with controls like 'crack', 'aggression', 'depth'.
Not my idea - I just realized that a lot of the presets were doing this...
If it's not obvious, I like Obsidian a lot.
Yeah. Macros are very powerful concept, you can with single knob totally change character of sound.
Btw. what i like on macros is, that you can use them not just like prmary MOD SOURCE - you can use them also for "scaling" other modulations ... which have another advantage - it doesn't block modulation slot ..
i mean, for example you have FILTER ENV > CUTTOFF modulation slot ... now you want scale amount of this modulation by macro kbow .. instead of adding KNOB > FILTER ENV LEVEL modulation, you can open diretly that "FILTER ENV > CUTOFF" modulation slot, and select macro kbob in third "Multiplier" select box ... That way, if macro is on 0, no modulation applied, if it is on max value - maxum modulation defined by that modulation slot is applied
Re: MIDI loopback, Slate pads > Obsidian notes
Slate Drum Track: Input/MIDI channels disabled, MIDI Send to External MIDI Track
External MIDI Track: Input/On-screen Keys Only, Output/Audiobus3, Channel 10, MIDI THRU disabled
Obsidian Instrument Track: Input/Audiobus3, Channel 10
or: Slate pads > another Slate
Slate Drum Track: Input/MIDI channels disabled, MIDI Send to External MIDI Track
External MIDI Track: Input/On-screen Keys Only, Output/AUM, Channel 10, MIDI THRU disabled
Other Slate Drum Track: Input/MidiFire3, Channel 10
In the grid: AUM Destination > MIDI Tool > MidiFire1>Quantum MidiSequencer and Nanostudio<
~> watching it without headphones would let me look like an amateur 🤪, so please ...
Slate pads > Obsidian notes
You can do this directly in NS, you don't need external routing
Just create Slate Track, Obsidian track, and then in slate track mixer, in SENDS choose MIDI SEND to Obsidian track 
Or i didn't get properly what you want to do ? I'm not sure what's the purpose of this complex routing through AB and MidiFire when you can do it direclty inside NS
There are some use cases when you (at the moment, with public NS version) need send midi out of NS and then return it back to NS - but those are in most cases because of some MIDI AUfx implementation bugs or limitations (like not propagating MIDI from one MIDI AU plugin to other).
Those bugs will be fixed in upcoming update. Any AU MidiFx, or External MIDI sequencer -> NS routing use cases i can imagine will be possible directly in NS, or with little help of MIDI Tools "Route" plugin, without need of route midi through Audiobus, MidiFire or other external "middleware" apps ..
Thanks @dendy, yes, also for bridging 'hardware', in my case a bunch of ipads (in questionable states), and their keyboards plus a controller for quantum, all sharing [the sync 🔁 feature] to the other by virtue of being modules (set up with audiobus & aum), connected by bluetooth/USB-MIDI and Audio interfaces, you know, start/stop, hosting and mapping MIDI au's in aum's grid, etc. ... I've got everything (I need) for my interpretation of a Studio, and in the course of years of adventurous learning (MIDI Panic!), getting acquainted with the way of NS2 sequencing, I've come to valueing it highly (cheers to the honorable developer MattB : ) ...
edit: P.S.: by the way, ns2 is running great on ipad mini 2 and recently I've even been re-visiting/appreciating nanostudio 1 on ipad mini 1 !
Good stuff!