Hi. I know this might sound a bit trivial, but is there any way to change the default font in NS2? I have a (slightly) irrational hatred of Calibri and the font in NS2 sure looks like Calibri to me! I’m sure I’m in the minority of people to whom this kind of thing is important in an audio app, but it would make NS2 far nicer to work with if it didn’t remind me of MS office! ;-)
There’s nothing much else to dislike about NS2. In every other way it looks like it might be the perfect audio unit host; The mix down feature for making stems is almost worth the admission price alone.
Hurrah for font nerds! That makes at least three of us. Yes, I saw Helvetica in the theater.
The primary font face used in NanoStudio 2 (and here on the site) is actually Encode Sans. There is no way to change it. I reckon certain things like menus or tool bar buttons would explode in unpleasant ways if users could change it.
I may be a font nerd but Encode sans clearly isn’t calibri so I think I’ve been kicked out of the font pedants club. :-/
Thanks for taking the late night comments in such good spirit. I will try and see Encode in a new, less “PowerPoint presentation” light.
FR: Comic Sans Font
@Will I missed it in theater, resigned myself to watching on a computer screen...
Bad typography hurts users more than they know, so preventing font customization on a nice UI is really doing everyone’s mental and physical health a service! 👹
Font nerd here. I am such a Helvetica fanboy. Would love to see it in NS too, but I can bear the pain of this calibre style font...
I’m not a font nerd but I do enjoy well cut typefaces in multiple weights and… 🤤🤤😳 …but I’m not a font nerd!
The classic:
The new-to-me via searching for the mcsweeneys monologue: Vincent Connare - "Why I created comic sans... and how this font ended up on your computer. "
Who knew. He also made Trebuchet and Webdings.
FR: Blip the Dog context sensitive help wizard
+1 no joke
I’m just gonna leave this here to be appreciated:
An apology.
From the screenshots, the font used in the main arrange window to title the tracks (The condensed font) looks a bit like Calibri condensed. (a lot like it actually). Too many badly formatted Word documents come my way and I'm a little too sensitive to MS formatting these days, it makes my eye twitch. (It could be the espresso, but my money is on MS fonts).
The rest of the UI (at the least the bits where it's not condensed) thankfully looks nothing like it. Other than the labels on the Slate pads.
But it ain't Calibri. Which is comforting.
But not as comforting as another double espresso.
I am now convinced you @Will must be Moss from 'The IT Crowd's double!
Moss is cool. We like Moss.
Helvetica is okay, but it can get a bit boring when used in apps- like Arial is I suppose.
Actually I like Futura and Gill Sans. Especially Gill Sans because it's the closest one will ever get to the original London Underground Tube font without having to chose the more obscure original, the Johnston Sans.
But I guess we can all agree that there is nowt quite good as coffee. I like mine made in a cafetiere (or 'French Press' to those on that other English speaking part of the world)
I don’t drink coffee and I like DIN. I have no love left for Gill Sans after working with it for 7 years. Futura is great if you use it well, but it’s hard to take the 70’s out of it.
I also have a perverted love for Interstate, but alas, it doesn’t work well in my native language – too many angular letters.
FFS. Now I'm being bombarded with ads for books about fonts on ShitFace.
Same for the same reason. Lovely typeface but I just can't anymore. Same with Frutiger. Designers ruining good things.
I got ruined because I worked for the same client for too long. They only used Gill Sans. Those i:s with the off-centre dot… fun at first but madness after a couple years. But mostly it’s the a. It just doesn’t work.