My very honest first impressions...
So these are my first impressions.
Right, so I cancelled my NS2 preorder once Matt "flipped the switch" early, because I didn't want to wait around for Apple to decide when the preorder should go through for me. Went back to the NS2 page and purchased it outright. Hard part over?
Then, I had trouble with my Files app, namely with this bloody error...
At first I thought Nanostudio 2 was causing it, which perplexed me as I thought Matt programmed everything to be solid. However, after 2-3 hours of buggering about, I found out it was actually iZip Pro what was causing the issue. After sorting out that bollocks and finding out Matt DID program everything to be solid, it was onto finding the folder to dump my samples into. I stayed up until I finished this task. Reminded me of my days at uni where I'd stay up past 4 to finish various tasks prior to class the next day. I'm impressed with the file organization within NS2 and the Files app compatibility. Bloody ripper.
Once I woke up, I had a play about with NS2. I didn't read the manual yet to see how deep the app goes. I simply explored, which came quite easy to me given the straight-forward workflow. It's easier than FL Studio, even with the temporary lack of audio tracks.
Then I purchased all of the IAPs to help support Matt and for extra sample-based patches. My interest laid mostly with the acoustic ones. Most of the sounds included in the packs sound excellent, but the selection is a little lacking. For instance, I hoped for a harpsichord patch for a Baroque-styled instrumental without needing to resort to using any AUs. Also, I wouldn't mind more variety in the rock guitars.
(NS2 request 1 - in the upcoming convolution reverb, besides a plethora of plates and halls, could you also add a plethora of IRs that simulate a neverending variety of amps and cabs? I can create a "clean e-guitar sound" via FM synthesis no problem and then shove it through an EQ-3B or two for tone shaping, the Waveshaper for distortion, and then select from hundreds of amp/cab IRs in the convoverb for the particular sound I want. If "amps and cabs" require a separate IAP in order to add them into the convo reverb, so be it. )
Then I explored Obsidian's functions. My mind is literally blown with all that I can do within its infrastructure. The sampler alone blows my mind, especially the spectral loop mode. The FM works better than I expected. Most everything exceeds my expectations as a matter of fact. Although again, there is one thing that I wished Obsidian had - the ability to import our own wavetables.
(NS2 request 2 - let us import our own bloody wavetables, lol. The ones included are excellent though, but I have several of my own just laying about collecting dust.)
The built-in effects mostly leave me wanting nothing external. The new EQ-3B reminds me of a miniature version of Pro-Q2. The compressor runs smoothly. Most AU developers overlook the need for a Bass Bypass knob in their chorus/flanger/etc AUs, but I'm glad Matt included it. It's the trick I used to use in FL Studio to widen vocals subtly on top while leaving the low to mid frequencies alone. The only thing missing is a transient processor, but in the meantime I have the FAC Transient AU and the expander mode in the compressor.
(NS2 request 3 - a transient processor IAP. Transient processors soften non-essential sounds such as claps and sharpen important sounds such as vocals better than a compressor/expander.)
So, given I needed some world sounds in NS2 (and a bloody harpsichord, lol) and didn't want to bugger about with the Beathawk AU, I hopped over to to donate $25 to snag his samples in SFZ format. Victor is a good friend of mine I've known for several years, and I've used his free VSTs (which contain the same samples) in many productions back in my FL Studio days. Here's one such example using a few of said free VSTs quite extensively....
Now I know Obsidian doesn't support SFZ, but it supports .wav files. The SFZ files can be read in any text editor and can tell me which sample goes where so I can "build my own damn patches". Building these DSK instrument patches in Obsidian is second nature to me.
With all of this said, I LOVE NS2. It is a sound-designer's wet dream come true. I know I do have a couple of minor nitpicks as mentioned above, but overall this solid app pretty much has most everything I need.
And in case you wondered, I ditched Gadget and its related apps at last. After the whole Premiere Vintage Organ fiasco, I saw no sense in carrying on with Korg any further while having those apps take up my limited 128gb storage space.
Re: request #2 I think that is a good area to, eventually (post iPhone, Audio Tracks, etc.), have a Wavetable IAP that would include a sh#t-ton of wavetables as well as the ability to add our own.
Nice review and some great suggestions!
By the way in regards to harpischord, you could create a sort of realistic sounding harpischord with straight synthesis (i mean with enough patience and tweaking probably a very realistic sounding one).
Just take an oscillator, set it to noise. Put the amp ENV to a very short attack... basically a short "tick."
Route it to the comb filter while dragging down the cutoff to around 64.8hz (I'm going off memory, it's somewhere in that range) or some multiple of that. Adjust accordingly. Tune it by setting another oscillator to bypass the comb filter.
Experiment with scaling controls, and a bunch of other tweaks to get things just right.
I think "HarpModel" in Acoustic Instruments 1 makes use of much of these controls. Refer to that for clarification on this setup.
Actually, the ACModelHybrid patch in the FREE pack is also based on these principles, but to create an acoustic guitar synthesis.
How are the Industrial sounds vs Dance Electro packs?
I make trap that is kind of trying to reach cinematic levels in regards to mix and scope. Which packs do you recommend? I already have acoustic pack 2 and trap pack volume 1. (I posted some beats in the mega thread to give you an idea of the sound I’m working with). Ideally I’d like to get closer to be a trap version of Marshmello all within this app lol.
@jwmmakerofmusic nice tune! It sounds like an intro score for an Irish TV series. Quite melodic, and even happy. 👍
About the IAPs actually the sounds aren’t too genre specific and the sounds need to be tweaked a bit, boosted with compression at the minimum. All the packs are must haves and not very expensive either, for the value of what’s provided. 70 patches and around 10 kits all macro mapped.
Agree with this. The packs are really decent value and great starting points with some tweaks here and there. The genre names used may be off putting for some, but the sounds themselves are really able to be used in pretty much any genre.
For me starting from scratch takes too much time so I only do it if absolutely necessary. I bought all IAP’s and there’s some really nice work there. Use as-is or tweak as necessary, there’s plenty to work with. And anyone who says otherwise is a...

That's also because many genres ale mixed togerter .. For example classic dubstep creetches and screams are very often used in hardcore / hardstyle .. And on other sid, i already did hear hoover sounds (check hoover patches in Obsidian
) which comes from hardcore / hardstyle in complete different genres (including some hiphop tracks)
I’m old dude - haven’t got a clue what all these new found genres mean! In my day we had fast music and slow music - fast music we got all rowdy to, while slow music we snogged women to!

“Snogged”? Sounds like something you’d do
I would have been a great rock god, if only I had been a talented axe player - the women would have flocked to me I tell ya!
And you could have had enough children to populate a dozen mid sized islands scattered throughout the oceans..etc
I’ve always liked the word Colony. I would colonise the world with my little bats
how offtopic are we?
i'm not too much young too
)) those are actually pretty old genres (except of dubstep)
41yo .. making music since 1994...
No we’re right on topic here lol
OT question, so what are your impressions of NS2?😀
I’m having a blast with NS2. Think I’ve written loads of my opinions here about lol, so won’t repeat it here. Very little I really want to be added to NS2 for it to a comfortable place for me to start my little tunes
It’s all I’ve been using since I got it. It’s a sweet addiction..I just counted nineteen songs I’m working on, talk about multitasking overload but it’s
oh so much joy😀😁
I’ve only started 6 so far, but have spent a lot of time shifting samples about my iPad of late and restructuring. I really do need a new iPad with more storage.
I have a modest amount of samples, I bet you have tons
I look forward to audio recording so I can get live instruments in there, mix it up good then try the mastering within NS2 or Grand Finale or Auria Pro with those Fabs and all
I’m just making a stereo mix for now and exporting that to Cubasis. I’m going to add any audio in that and then just trigger them as samples for now.
I’m nowhere near the final mixing stage with anything yet, so Auria is feeling lonely lol
Same here I’m jumping ahead too much in my thinking, have to work out these songs and not add any more until then😀 Good idea for exporting to Cubasis, sounds like a solid plan.
Now onto my "one week later" impressions. God DAMN is this app a massive beast! Obsidian is insane and can synthesise anything, I mean ANYTHING! It can even synthesise hi hats...
(Yep, the cheesy happy trance tune I always recreate when testing new apps, lol.)
The only external plugin used in this little demo is Beathawk on strings and oboe. That's it. Okay, and Grand Finale for the polish, lol. Otherwise, everything was formed and mixed using internal plugins and Obsidian. And I do mean stacks of plugins both for sound design and mixing.
Now, I still wish I could automate internal effects with part automation, but my fears about track automation were immediately relieved once I realised I could select the bloody points and move them using the handles! Track automation may be slightly more work, but it isn't a major pain in the arse like in every other DAW out there, because of handles! I wouldn't mind automation curves later down the line much like you can adjust envelope curves in Obsidian. @Blip Interactive Take note - automation curves.
NS2 also has the easiest tempo automation in any app to boot, even easier than it was in FL Studio. There's one obvious section in the demo where I use it, and that's before the drop. Otherwise, it's automating very subtle tempo changes throughout the short demo track to make it more musical and flowing, much like how I perform piano. There is no part of this demo where the tempo is static.
Summary - about fucking time I have an app that fits my workflow. Goodbye Gadget! Now, onto more complicated projects!
That’s a very nice and clean demo! Great mix, the effects are well placed in the mix so I can hear them specifically, if you know what I mean. Not muddy at all. Glad NS2 is working for you!
Ah I was just putting my tattered disco shoes on and the song ended😀
Nice clear sound there
True. Excellent sounds. A bit misleading. A lot of the Trap stuff isn’t really what’s used in trap atm at least drums, so I have to do a bit of EQing and messing with the samples themselves, and same goes for some of the sounds, but it makes me work. Also it is fresh because it’s with sounds most aren’t using so it gives me a slightly different sound.
Thank you all for the compliments mates.
Guess I'll be finishing the track later on during free time.
Believe it or not, I use cheap-as-shit Sony consumer headphones with a non-flat signal and spectral smearing to mix. If it sounds good on those, it'll sound good on 90% other systems.
I'll be uploading the presets (both Obsidian and Mixer chains) later for you all to dissect to your hearts' content. Nothing worse when a selfish sound designer refuses to share their knowledge. I despise people like that.
Cheers all.
Wait. Are you saying Fruitbat is not a euphamism? #disappointed
Lol. Euphemism can be used in so many ways - I won’t ask
Fruitbat is not a euphamism? #disappointed
Euphanism ?! Man ! I remember fruit bats from seychelles.. pretty nasty creatures, most scary scene was when many of them were hanging at
trees at local cemetery
Probably made some great sounds though