First post! yahoo. I haven't got NS2 yet, waiting until I have some free time to play with it, cause I know I will be distracted by it if i got it. But having fun reading all the posts on audiobus forum (and here when they come)
Can't wait to get NS2 - hope everyone's enjoying it. I'm sure they are.
Loving it so far!
Greetings all! I have it, but haven't had time to open it yet. So sad ...
Tonight my friends...tonight!
One Love!
nanorry fields forever
Looks so much nicer. Think I'll like it here.
Now, back to samples sorting, lol.
Blasphemy! First post by a non-Nanite!
I can't see any replies...
Greetings to all!
I’m new here and I have just installed NS2. Never been in touch before with NS...
I’m curious!😎
Stayed up and it appeared just after midnight in the uk. Trying to get my head round the ui navigation. Managed to get a sidechain compression thing going, this makes me happy. The automation is lovely. Know what I’m doing tonight.
Let me test the pic import..
Ok, after i put my soon asleep.. see u later
Gotta say, pretty darned impressive app.
Navigation is from the Gods. Really like the workflow... smoooooth. Layout is super legit.
Four hours in and not a single crash too, even while playing around with a bunch of AUs.
All that mushy stuff out of the way... I am really looking forward to AU automation, audio tracks and track freezing.
Matt you are legend! Workflow is again nice and smooth, UI looks really cool, well worth the wait and audio engine sounds excellent! Hats down
Now if you all excuse me, I got some ns2 business to attend to:DDD
Nice to be here. In the revamped arena. 👍😁
@King said:
Man. Makes me wish I'd taken a screenshot of my "joined date" before the old forum went down to use as my avatar here.
Welcome @chandroji.
And new forum is much better. Matt, thank you!
Happy Hunting!
Good day every one! Matt the forum is fantastic! Nanostudio 2 is amazing!
You clever, clever man.
Woah, a Progenitor! You pre-date my iOS birth. (bows)
@Blip Interactive ? After my post here this am, I had a foggy memory about a contest for the new forum opening ... It took me a minute, but I found this post (cut & pasted from the old forum):
"So, sometime before the 7th of December you will find that there's a new forum in place and you will need to create a new account and start afresh. The first person to join and type "FIRST POST!" will either get a prize or a kicking, depending upon how frayed I am by that point.
I imagine you're quite frayed Matt! I've assumed the position, and am ready for my kicking!
comon guys. I said i was there for centuries. Anybody with sooner date here ?
I can't get that link to work. I enter my last known password and I am brought to the page. Seems my past might have disappeared.
Got you Dendy! I wonder what date the forum opened.
no, you did not
that is uk date format,
mine is 28.july, your 4th. october
Remember the old days Slam?