Query: Loop selection within sections?

Working on a larger complicated melody and would like to just hear the same few bars over and over while I try and fix it. I realize I could just cut the specific section into it's own section and then loop to that, but I wonder if there's any way of selecting/looping within a larger section without cutting?


  • Copy the section and put on a new track?
    'Duplicate' ?

  • @kinkujin @Eye0sStudios thanks compadres, but I was just trying to make sure I wasn't missing an in- section loop option. No biggie. But, you do remind me to check/use track lanes and for that thanks :)

  • edited December 2018

    You can always exit the part and set the loop in the timeline. That seems like a lot less trouble than setting up track lanes, etc.

  • edited December 2018

    maybe it is
    unrelated - maybe it will help you - you can very quickly change selection without directly adjustimg it in top bar

    just select clip(s) you want to loop and double tap
    "Actions" button. It loops to updates loop points to selection ;-)

  • @dendy said:
    maybe it is
    unrelated - maybe it will help you - you can very quickly change selection without directly adjustimg it in top bar

    just select clip(s) you want to loop and double tap
    "Actions" button. It loops to updates loop points to selection ;-)

    Mmmmm, was just about to look this up tonight, ahhh, sweet hive mind, thank you.

  • @number37 said:
    You can always exit the part and set the loop in the timeline. That seems like a lot less trouble than setting up track lanes, etc.

    Yup. That is absolutely the best solution to my little problem. Thanks.

  • @Audiogus said:

    Mmmmm, was just about to look this up tonight, ahhh, sweet hive mind, thank you.

    I did like that one. As I do the 'double tap the properties thingie to mute (or unmute) the selected part'. These are the simple sorts of things that help the flow, but also make the outsider feel inside :)

  • Am I missing something? Can you select notes in the piano roll and then loop that selection? That would be great. Can’t figure that one.

  • @Eye0sStudios said:
    Am I missing something? Can you select notes in the piano roll and then loop that selection? That would be great. Can’t figure that one.

    No. Loop points can only be set in the timeline.

  • Sorry I’m sick and should read the manual. Can you have multiple loop points? Or set a clip to loop 4 times?? Thanks

  • edited December 2018

    There are not multiple loop points. However...

    You can set a clips to “Cycle” from the properties menu. Then you can lengthen the clip and it will loop for the entire length.

    Or, you can also create a linked copy of a loop. Changes to linked copies are reflected across all of them.

    Hope you feel better soon.

  • @number37 said:

    No. Loop points can only be set in the timeline.

    You can also set the loop while in the part editor. Double tapping the ACTIONS button will set the main song loop to the bounds of the clip/part you're currently editing.

  • Also if not mentioned, you can loop the timeline and mute certain midi blocks in that loop so that you can just listen to what is important

  • Can’t check at the moment but we can at least adjust song position playback marker while in piano roll view right?

    It’s Off topic but now I’m panicking that I can’t :/ I’ve only been messing with sound design in obsidian so far. But when I start tracking in ns2 I’m often going to want to be able to adjust playback marker position while I’m in piano roll. Especially when working on long clips. Please tell me we’re good for that!

  • edited December 2018

    @flockz Of course you can. You can also change loop selection from inside piano roll, there is function "Loop To Part" in Actions menu which changes loop to edited "pattern" (or to be exact "part", in NS those are called parts not "patterns" , sorry for being term nazzi :))

  • @dendy said:
    @flockz Of course you can. You can also change loop selection from inside piano roll, there is function "Loop To Part" in Actions menu which changes it to loop "pattern" (or to be exact part, in NS those are called parts, sorry for being term nazzi :))

    Thank the lord above! Cool, was worried for a sec there :)

  • Not to send you back into a panic or anything, but to be clear, what @dendy said is you can select to have the part (pattern) you’re editing as the loop. If that part is 64 measures long, then the loop is going to be 64 measures. To loop just one measure would require exiting to the timeline and setting the loop point. It’s really not as bad as it sounds, though.

  • edited December 2018

    @number37 said:
    Not to send you back into a panic or anything, but to be clear, what @dendy said is you can select to have the part (pattern) you’re editing as the loop. If that part is 64 measures long, then the loop is going to be 64 measures. To loop just one measure would require exiting to the timeline and setting the loop point. It’s really not as bad as it sounds, though.

    Yep. Though, to be clear about something different, you can adjust the playhead's position from within the part editor by tapping the time ribbon anywhere (no need to hit stop). You just can't set an arbitrary loop region on the part editor's time ribbon. To be honest, this is normally what I do when editing a long part. That is until I get annoyed enough to take the 3 seconds required to go back to the song editor, set a better loop region and double tap the friggin part again. Lazy Americans.

  • I don’t mind having to exit to change loop region. I just need to be able to adjust the playback start point when inside piano roll view. To be able to jump to notes that I’m editing and quickly hear that little section. So all’s well here from my POV :)

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