Hi, is it possible to record the output of AU midi effect ? So far, when I load Rozeta or StepPolyArp and press record, nothing is recorded (like with BM3 ;-)). So I wonder if this task is possible and if it is, which settings do I need to change ? Thank you
In the box, no. You will need to put the midi effect as a sender and use midiflow adaptor as receiver in Audiobus for the midi to record.
Ok, thanks for the answer (it’s a pity though...)
Yes, it is a pity but I have a strong feeling that this will be rectified in the not so distant future. I am very hopeful.
You can also do this with stand alone MIDIFlow app by creating a custom virtual port. https://www.midiflow.com/documentation/#custom-virtual-ports Same is true of MIDI Fire.
With that, you can go directly from, say, AUM->NS2 if'n you want.
There’s a new version of AudioBus just released that is able to output to NS2 without midiflow adapter.
True, just downloaded the new version. Quite happy that there is a workaround, but looking forward to the day when this workaround is not needed at all.
I really hope that the new AB workaround won’t push the addition of this function down the list of priorities. I’m not buying AB as I have no need for it in general and the thought of using this workaround really doesn’t appeal, too messy. Good that it exists for people that are happy to go there but an internal solution should remain high priority imho.
I Agree, I really hope a internal solution is very high on the priority list 👍
For sure. Maybe title of thread can have ‘feature request’ added to it so it doesn’t get lost in the shuffle?
That seems highly unlikely. It’s been discussed ad-nauseum. Matt ain’t senile yet.
Haha. Yeah I meant so that users can notice it and add support for the cause
It’s been suggested that the most popular/vocal requests will get priority...
Matt has been very clear about wanting to offer the best overall solution without leaving NS2. I think there is very little chance of workarounds affecting his to-do list. This is clearly a very important feature, so don't worry, he'll get to it!
good idea, also it makes sense to avoid duplicate request threads (which are starting to appear here sometimes)
but i think matt wrote that he have plan in text few days to make order in all current requests and bug report, sort them to own category, remove duplicates, and also add own from his list ..
so i would probably wait when he does it and only then i would add missing stuff there ..
In time, it may be helpful for either Matt or others here to establish a preferred format for requests so that people know the best way to express their desires. By this I mean that it’s obvious from what he said that he would like us to suggest not only requests, but how that request would fit in with the current page and buttons already in place - as such, my request for a mini timeline also suggested where it could be and how it could use current areas of the screen.
I think some sort of request template would be most helpful for the requester (is that even a word? Lol) and poor Matt as he try’s to decipher all of our excitement induced future Xmas lists
I'd like to add myself to this list of requestors ...