How Do I Record Midi FX Apps
Hi All.
For example, I can get something like ChordJam or ChordBud to play an instrument, but for the life of me I can’t find a way to actually record the midi data to the timeline.
I know I must be missing something really obvious here, so can anyone help me out.
I’d love to show this in a video tutorial.
Hello Doug,
You need MIDI Tools Route plugin .. you just insert it after midi plugin which output you want to record, then you add another channel to timeline, hit play end record and notes are recorded to this channel
i made small video example how to do it

in case it is ot clear feel free as will try explain it more
btw. here is nore various tricks how to work around some NS limitations or do few smart things, check it , maybe ypu find more answers on various question
Hi Doug - let me know if you are using iPad or (like me) iPhone.
If iPad then follow @dendy ’s instruction.
If iPhone then unfortunately MidiTools is not available 😢
There is still a way, but it is a little bit more difficult. That said, once it is set up and you have used it once or twice it becomes quite easy.
Let me know if you only use iPhone and I will spend some time making instructions.
! edit !
@dendy has already written the exact same instruction for iPhone that I use. It is here:
ok thanks for reminder, completely forgot about this solution :-)) i even don't remember writing that article lol 🤣😂
@dendy @TakkAtakk Thanks so much guys, this has been driving me nuts.
I should have asked sooner.
you're welcome, if you have any additional question about NS2 feel free to return here, you can always find people happy to help here
Here is some detailed info and a video about the way I prefer to do it.
Thanks, added to tips&tricks section !