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  • @Will said:

    I'm a little confused on this one. Would you mind explaining it a bit further?

    What i mean is that if the 'back to song' button would change to 'piano roll' when you press it. ( currently it changes to properties ) then you could switch back and forth much easier. Going in and out of the piano roll is used way more often than track properties.
    The clip properties icon could be moved next to the Mute and Solo buttons of a individual track where you would expect it ( and where there is lots of UI space left )

    Also the 2nd time you press the song or mixer button nothing happens.
    My brain expects that the 2nd time you press that button it would toggle back to the other view.
    But maybe im a little crazy😂

    Personally, I'm 100% OK with having a few iPad-only features but, based on user feedback/requests I've seen, your second assumption isn't true.

    I understand what you say and you are right.
    I mean in terms of UI it shouldnt be limited.
    There is enough UI space on an ipad to show the current channelstrip in song view for example.
    Or to show the piano roll below the arrangent view. Tap a part and see the pianorol and arrangement in 1 view.

    There is enough UI space for this and it would benefit the editing tremendously on bigger sized screens

  • @TPJ said:

    What i mean is that if the 'back to song' button would change to 'piano roll' when you press it. ( currently it changes to properties ) then you could switch back and forth much easier. Going in and out of the piano roll is used way more often than track properties.

    Gotcha. I'm happy with the current double tap setup but can definitely see where you're coming from. Especially as it relates standardized 'toggling' behavior like:

    Also the 2nd time you press the song or mixer button nothing happens.
    My brain expects that the 2nd time you press that button it would toggle back to the other view.
    But maybe im a little crazy😂

    You are not alone. :) I don't know if there are any plans to implement this but we did discuss it during the beta. The list is long and mighty!

  • edited May 2019

    You are not alone. :) I don't know if there are any plans to implement this but we did discuss it during the beta. The list is long and mighty!

    isn't this how it was implemented before release initially ?

    And then we voted to remove this behaviour - it was super confusing for some of us, you never knew certainly where you jump with second tap on active button, if you forget where you was before... at least for me it was hell and i was really glad Matt removed :-)

    in my head those 3 buttons are just "doors" into 3 main parts of NS (settings, sequencer, mixer) - if you open doors of same house twice they will not take you to different house :-)))

  • edited May 2019

    What i mean is that if the 'back to song' button would change to 'piano roll' when you press it. ( currently it changes to properties )

    But where it will took you in case you have selected multiple clips ? Plus usability of such button would be not ideal - you would still need tap (select) clip to go into and then tap this new button - isn't more easy directly double tap clip itself like now ?

    The clip properties icon could be moved next to the Mute and Solo buttons of a individual track where you would expect it (

    three main reasons why this is not that good idea:

    • there is reserved place for another buttons related to future audio tracks ;)
    • you still need think about iPhone UI - there is not so much space
    • most important - clip properties can be applied to multiple selected clips across multiple tracks - so it is global feature on top of whole "pool" of clips in project

    you can for example mute all selected clips by double tapping on settings button - this would be lot less intuitive if settings would be on track header

  • FWIW and IMHO the current implementation makes perfect sense as it relates to my prior experience with NS and other software.

  • edited July 2019

    Had a very tough time last night trying to export a zip file from NS2 to AudioShare and also to Auria. When I used AudioShare the file transferred over but when I went to unzip it nothing. Finally worked. I tried so many times from NS2 through files to send it into Aurias’ Project Templates and tried about ten times with no luck...then finally success. Within NS2 often when I activate to export the file the pop up box just quickly drops to the bottom and disappears off the screen and sometimes it would say the file exists in Auria ...do I want to keep both or replace...when I went to find the file in Auria nothing there?
    When I listen to the wav file in Auria it s fine and the audio level is good but when I import it into a song it plays for five seconds and then the sound just drops to zero and yet the wav file is visible in the Auria track
    I was trying to see if I could do the final Pro-L2 treatment on this song in Auria because I tried in NS2 and the cpu was destroying the song
    I even took out AUs in the mix to alleviate the cpu distortion issues and I got a very good mix down( without any limiter). Anyways thanks for reading if you are👍🎼

  • @Arpseechord It’s better if you start a new thread for every new topic you have. This would be a good fit for the Support category. Keeping threads separate helps us keep track of what’s going on. Thanks!

    Two quick comments: if you have CPU issues, try increasing the buffer size in Settings - Buffer latency. The mixdown feature is not CPU limited, even if you get CPU overload crackling during playback, that won’t affect your mixdown, the mixdown will simply take a bit longer to do it right.

  • @Stiksi said:
    @Arpseechord It’s better if you start a new thread for every new topic you have. This would be a good fit for the Support category. Keeping threads separate helps us keep track of what’s going on. Thanks!

    Two quick comments: if you have CPU issues, try increasing the buffer size in Settings - Buffer latency. The mixdown feature is not CPU limited, even if you get CPU overload crackling during playback, that won’t affect your mixdown, the mixdown will simply take a bit longer to do it right.

    Ok about starting a new thread...I’ll do that next time
    Yes my buffer size is set at high ..lower settings for this particular song are no good
    Like I said I did eventually get a good mix down..🎹🎼👍
    Thanks for responding

  • @Arpseechord said:
    Like I said I did eventually get a good mix down..🎹🎼👍
    Thanks for responding

    Cool, just making sure 🙂

  • i been an iphone beat maker for the past year and haft, which is my favorite concept when it comes to mobile music production and with that i got to say that i absolutely love everything about NS2 how it looks, the international plugins obsidian and slate, the pianorow functionalities easy to work with and with that the complete work flow of NS2, plus its always stable it never let me down specially working with auv3, i won’t change anything about NS2 except for 3 things that i do wish for and it will benefit every user of NS2
    1. ghost notes in the pianorow because it will be a BIG HELP when it comes to creating melodies from scratch !
    2. more options in the audio editing window basically an option to be able to chop a loop like segments but with that to be able select all the chop parts and automatically send them to the keys, like for example i make a 16 chop of a loop then i select all and send them all starting from the piano key of my choice like from c4 to d# instead of the only current option of chopping and saving one by one and then adding one by one to each key which its a really long long process,
    also in the editing window the option to make a stereo sample to mono and with that the choice to select if i want the right left side of a stereo sample because sometimes there is deferents information or sounds in each side of a stereo audio files
    3. a note key / root note finder which it should also be included in the audio editing window, basically an option so when i select or highlight a section of sample in the audio editing window to have a way or basically a button to find out the note key of that selected part of the sample, something like the note key finder in Caustic 3 audio editing window, which is a great BIG IMPORTANT HELP when it come to sample base beat making !!
    basically that’s all i would ask and wish for a future update

  • edited January 2022

    Just to clarify in advance - because every time "ghost notes" are mentioned, people get confused between what is meant and "ghost notes" as in quick and light notes before and after a drum hit.

    Unless I'm wrong, I think what you're referring to @SLPGroundSoundMusic is the ability to display notes from another track dimmed in the background while editing a track in the piano roll. I'd like to see this too.

    If not then sorry for creating confusion.

  • edited January 2022

    @number37 said:
    Just to clarify in advance - because every time "ghost notes" are mentioned, people get confused between what is meant and "ghost notes" as in quick and light notes before and after a drum hit.

    Unless I'm wrong, I think what you're referring to @SLPGroundSoundMusic is the ability to display notes from another track dimmed in the background while editing a track in the piano roll. I'd like to see this too.

    If not then sorry for creating confusion.

    ghost notes is the term used in fl studio, and yes ghost notes is the ability to display notes from another track dimmed in the background while editing a track in the piano roll,
    and yes it would be a great feature because it adds an important element in fast workflow, ghost notes its the midi note full spectrum overview and what helps guide the process of your composition , perfect for helping you create a more full melody that follows your chords, also its great for adding bass notes that follows certain parts of a melodies or chords, basically ghost notes it’s a must have tool in your production work station because it accelerates you composition process !!

  • Sounds like a good idea, but that isn’t a feature in NS2.
    As a work-around, I sometimes copy a sequence and just ‘select all’ and hit the ‘up octave’ button once or twice (iPad version) or drag the notes up or down out of the way by an octave or two (iPhone version). With all those notes still selected press the MIDI Velocity slider on the left side of the piano roll and drag the value down to zero, or a super low value if you want to hear a soft version. This isn’t too difficult to do so I hope it helps you. Please let us know if this works for what you are trying to do.

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