Reference tracks
Just curious to how you get around using a reference track in NS2. Did a quick search but nothing jumping out at me. Thank you believers 👍
Just curious to how you get around using a reference track in NS2. Did a quick search but nothing jumping out at me. Thank you believers 👍
I use 4Pockets’ “Multitrack” as an AUv3 insert effect on an empty track exactly for this purpose. Ensure it is set to “Follow” and “Sync to host” and it will start playback at the correct point in your reference track no matter where on the NS2 timeline your playhead is.
I route all of my (song’s) tracks into the “Full Mix” group track for final eq/comp/limiting of the entire track. “Full Mix” is then routed directly to the “Main Mix” track (i.e. it bypasses the “Guide Track”). “Main Mix” has a spectrum analyser inserted only - i.e. no eq or compression or limiting.
The “Guide Track” (reference track) also routes directly to the “Main Mix” track and is set to mute so cannot be heard during my song’s playback - but simply tapping the “Solo” on the Guide Track will mute my song’s tracks and unmutes the reference track (even though its “M” symbol is still highlighted); this means I can quickly flip between the reference track and my full mix for comparison purposes - and the reference track sits independently of any eq/comp/limiting that my song has applied to it in the “Full Mix” group channel.
NS2 and “Multitrack” are a brilliant combination. Lots of people on the AB Forum seem to really hate “Multitrack” claiming it is buggy, but I use it all the time and have never had any issues with it (iPhone XR).
Hope that’s of help?
TA I have Multitrack and that didn't register with me to do it that way. What an excellent tip for the community. Thank you Sir for your speedy response 👍
Hey - no problem, you’re very welcome 😊
This is a totally amazing tip! What an amazing community. Thanks from me too. I might never use this tip, but the concept is inspired and I will put it on the back shelf in my brain
By ‘guide track’ are you talking about a reference for mixing, or a previous mixdown, or a vocal with click track, or... all of those seem possible! I’m just curious as what you (both!) are using this for.
Mr Bob my needs are mixing and arrangements I've completely changed my recording and musical tastes and discovering various sub genres of EDM. I'm a Groover in his early sixties and man I can't tell you how stimulating NS2 and iOS is but obviously there's a learning curve.
Hi! I load a commercial track so that I can use it as a reference for when I’m making mixing - and (specifically) eq - decisions.
I also use the same tracklane as a “guide” track so that I have a visual reference to the sections of my “song” (I don’t have “verse”, “chorus”, “middle8” sections). I do this by creating empty parts in the tracklane that I can rename, and it means I can get quite granular with the sections if I wish. These parts have no affect on the Multitrack instance and reference file inserted on this track - the parts are a visual aid only.
Hope that helps?
Traclklane that's unlocked another door TA muchas gracias.
Thanks again for all the ideas!
One question, is 4Pockets Multitrack the only way to do this? I don’t actually have that app, it’s 9.99 and I already have Cubasis, Auria Pro and Beatmakr 3 apart from NS2..... I don’t really need to buy another DAW.. 😂😂... especially if it’s just for this one purpose...🙂
It's a bizarre thing I bought another synth searching for a sound last night. I mean GAS I had for years but now I'm in this AAS does that sound wrong🤣
Multitrack isn’t a DAW - it’s an AUv3 effect that exists purely to provide audio tracks for DAWs where audio tracks aren’t implemented... like NS2 for example.
You can record into it (although in NS2 not from external sources, only internally), it has some audio editing capabilities, and can import and export audiofiles using both the iOS share screen and the iOS files app. It has 8 tracks per instance, but as it’s an AUv3 you can have as many instances as your device allows. Each instance has its own mixer, eq and a couple of effects.
Not sure if you would ever use it if you have Cubasis3 that has audiotracks already. But for NS2 it’s an ideal complement to NS2s current feature set in my opinion. As previously said, I use it a lot.
Hope that helps?
thanks @TakkAtakk - I must have found the wrong link, I see it now in the App Store.
I do use Cubasis a little bit, but the Midi piano roll editing is a real pain compared with NS2, and the general workflow in NS2 is just more slick and fun and the sounds are better, I think. I don't do so much with audio but when I do (voice arranging or live piano) I use either Cubasis or Auria Pro. But whenever I do use those apps I always want to get my NS2 interface back!!
It's just so much more 'under the fingers' somehow. Maybe I just got used to it, but to my mind it has far and away the best touchscreen interface style (the buttons for vertical/horizontal adjusting etc).