A decent workaround for no AU FX automation
in General chat
For those yearning for AU FX automation, a decent workaround:
Looperator and Effectrix.
Both have sequencers, which work well enough as a substitute. Both have multi fx so yet get a suite of fx.
For different patterns you can just duplicate tracks in NS2.
After playing around a bit, Effectrix works especially well, because you can control the attack and decay of the mix for each effect to help avoid clicks.
It's a bit tricky having to work everything out in a song, because the sequencer runs along with NS2's transport, but it's nice to have as an option for automation.
You can send midi to some AU fx. With looperator you can switch between presets on the ‘remote list’. With effectrix you can switch patterns. With turnado you can adjust mix levels on the 8 dials and with atom fx you can do this...
So while not full on AU fx automation is does help a bit.
I’m late to the party.
So basically no CCs. Still good for pattern/preset switching in Effectrix/Looperator. Can get some groovy fx automation going with those two Sugar Bytes apps.
Best way seems to be to put the track you want to “automate” with Effectrix/Looperator under a group track, then put Effectrix/Looperator on that group track, and use that group track for midi control of E/L.
Audio is already routed to the group track, and you’re good to go.