Obsidian thus far...
Man, I'm in love with everything about this synth! I'm working on building my first sample-based patch with DSK samples. One thing I didn't anticipate were velocity zones, but Obsidian has it covered without me needing to dive into the manual (which I still haven't delved into, lol). Of course given the tens of thousands of samples for over 1000 different instrument patches, I'm gonna be one busy beaver, but things are flowing quite slowly but smoothly. Everytime I turn around in NS2, one word keeps coming to mind - "intuitive".
Somewhat related bit of Obsidian fun: you can set how any of the 5 envelopes respond to velocity on each ENV's "SCALING" page. And since you can set any number of targets for each envelope, each with +100/-100 "amounts"...
One tip for sample based oscillators. If you apply unison on samole based oscillator, it sounds more wide also without need tomdo hige detune of you modulate a timy bit sample starts with random value... try it, tuurn on unisson with detune just 5-10%, stereo with 60+
then fo to modmatrix and add rand1 (it's in "key"
submenu) to osc sample start with mod amount just around 1-3 ... hear the difference ?
I think the thing about Obsidian is that it’s easy to get something rough ready for a track, but has just enough depth to keep us sound designers happy
Obsidian is hell of a lot workhorse synth indeed. Sounds amazing and well defined. Love all synth algorithms, didn't use samples yet on it and didn't try single preset yet just straight into sound design and boy I'm so happy:DDD will post my track when is ready;)
Like that animation mate, somehow it feels like my feeling when I first dive in and ever since after:DDD
That is one sick and cool animation! 😱 Like a wise man finally reaching Nirvana (singularity with the universe, not Kurt).
@dendy I knew some of that, but I did NOT know about the rand1 trick. That's bloody ripper.
@Fruitbat1919 @Cray23 Obsidian is a sound-designer's dream come true. One could argue other apps are, but I don't care for the AU/IAA infrastructure synthwise and would rather do most of what I need "in the box". Not only that, but there's no other "in the box" synth as flexible as Obsidian, not even iMono/Poly in Gadget.
One inbox synth I love is Auria Pro - Fabfilter Twin 2. Problem is I’m not keen on writing tracks in AP
Loving it too! Gigantic sound design playground with a wonderful UI and ridiculously low cpu consumption. Can’t wait to master its ins and outs.
One thing I can’t figure out. ATM: on the PD oscillator type, is there a trick to get smooth (continous sounding) modulation of the phase distortion setting? (When I assign an envelope of lfo to it, the modulation sound like it’s sweeping through discrete ‘steps’ instead of being continuous.)
@OhWell Have you tried setting the mode to cross fade? That should smooth out transitions.
@OhWell Sorry, I was referring to the wave table osc, which will step unless crossfade mode is chosen.
I’m not sure I get any stepping modulating the phase distortion knob, sounds fine through the speaker, but I haven’t got my headphones right now. Will have another look later
Doesn’t crossfading a waveform with another naturally interpolate? Sorry, I don’t know the specifics of wavetable morphing but in my understanding it’s not like superimposing two images, it’s still one waveform increasingly taking on one set of characteristics or another. Is there an actual difference?
That us strange, can you plese post audio example and eventually also project file where is noticeable stepping if PD is modulated by LFO ? Tried modulate PD knob with very slow sine LFO and it was perfectly smooth.
i have no ide how exactly is wavetable implemented, anyway for sure sweep
through table is smooth...
here one example, this wavetable consist from 7 waves
Yes, lot of FX params can be modulated (not all, in some cases it would cause various issues, but lot of them...)
btw. my favourite is modulating delay time.. absolute delight
Don't have the app open currently but pretty sure all parameters of an effect inserted on a mixer can be automated.
no, there are exceptions, for examplr in algoverb you can automate just size, damping ,width, dry and wet...or EQ3B cannot be automated at all (but if you need automate frequency band you can use Filter FX which contains all typed from EQ3B)
there are few exeptions, but pretty reasonable logic is behind, as usually :-)
First impression = WOW! This is something very special indeed. I’m very taken by NS2. The help section is so wonderfully put together I feel once I read and understand everything I’ll have had a real education

This application exudes class, like looking at a work of art, an obvious labor of love
Obsidian sounds AMAZING. Glad to see a tune adjustment knob that can give each oscillator an alternative tuning even -37 which is extremely close to A430.65Hz which is -37.1 cents. Wouldn’t mind one global tuning knob that tunes an instrument or an entire song to an alternative tuning in hertz to a fine adjustment of 430.65 or other hertz. Satisfied customer here. Thanks Matt
Back to NS2
@dendy Starting to think you’re right! Did some more testing, turns out that was with the resonant PD wave shapes. Here is an example where I can hear it. (The lfo i modulating the pitch, mod depth is set at 14 in the mod matrix.) But I’m not sure it’s due to ‘step’ like modulation behavior anymore, when I slow the lfo down further I’m starting to think it’s just of how the resonance should behave. (I mean, at lower lfo speeds, there’s an audible continuous increase in (acoustic) beating between frequencies as the resonance sweeps up; I’m guessing as the lfo speed goes up complex stuff like the beating affects (my?) perception of the continuity of the resonance sweep.) So this tiny thing that struck me as slightly off might actually be part of how amazingly on point Obsidian is! When are we supposed to get less impressed?
Oh this ! Now i hear it .. I think this is how PD is supposed to sound. Never had in my hands any of Casio PD synths, but based on my knowledge how PD works, this sounds tome like that is exacly how PD should behave
But nice detail and great observation !
Btw. try make long note which will play whole seep, then do export and open that wave in audio editor and zoom it in .. You will see those nice interference patterns which causes that perceived "stepping" feel ..
Okay, that would be long way. I was in beta team for 4 years. Still impressed. Like this thing you found with PD. Never noticed it before.
W> @dendy said:
Casio CZ’s were a big part of my hardware setup back in the day. I’ll take a look at PD and report back how it sounds to me. Loved my CZ’s! Much more powerful than often given credit for.
i admire everything what is in any way related to any kind frequency modulation :-)
what are ZDF filters ?
clean filter with no filter drive
this is nice trick, cutoff is modulated with very small amount by LFO at it's max value (60hz) which gives such dirty - analogy like feeling . Also a bit filter drive added
While messing with Obsidian last night it dawned on me that as a sampler it has about 90% of the features and functionality of the Korg MicroSampler (which sells for about $200+ these days).
One of the more useful functions of the MS that I can’t mimic with Obsidian is an FX ON/OFF per sample.
Performance-wise, the keyboard and macro controls are much more advanced in Obsidian when compared to the MS.
Now that I’m understanding this I may start building multisample percussive kits in Obsidian too, unless I need more than 1 effect on the kit.
This could also be handier for chopping vocals than Slate...haven’t gone that far down the rabbit hole yet. Of course audio tracks will be ideal for vocals eventually, but this still fascinates me.
Microsampler is great. Lots of fast fun. I can’t use Obsidian the ways I often use MS though because no timestrech and no convenient/fast resampling anywhere in ns2
Hoping these can be added