Ableton link start/stop?

I’m sorry but I feel fooled with this app, they claim to have Ableton link support , so I told myself ok no audio no prob, I just sync/ link, but no start/ stop? Do I really have to go in and out to stop play Go back stop? What is this Stone Age workflow?

if it so painful to integrate audio, as I see it’s requested for ages. can you just integrate a reliable way to sync it with other apps in 2020? so hard to implement new version of Ableton link start/stop? Do we really have to wait years for this simple feature ? The poor “one lonely dev” excuse is not valable, the poor lonely is happy to get all the money for himself when we buy it

The dev is so perfectionist that he wants to throw out the ultimate update that never comes out? So perfectionist that we end up with a Stone Age workflow in 2020?

this app is overrated in 2020. Let’s say it. And as long as he will get new fooled customers and get new 20 bucks here and there he will not move a finger and get passive income.

1 star for me in the App Store and would put - 5 if I could to prevent other fooled customers.


  • edited July 2020

    I feel really bad for liking NS2 so much now. Dammit! All those wasted hours slaving away in the stone age. I never dreamed that I was living a nightmare. How could I have been so blind?

  • What a lovely warm introduction

  • 1 star review because the app doesn't have Link Start/Stop? You might need to take a chill pill.

  • @richardyot said:
    1 star review because the app doesn't have Link Start/Stop? You might need to take a chill pill.

    This is the thing, I’m totally ok to not have audio and other requested features.
    When I buy it, I buy it for what it is.

    But I expect that the features they claim to have, are working as they should be working.
    Going back and forth to press play in the app to make sure it’s in sync it’s not what I expect when I buy the “Ableton link” feature in 2020, cheaper apps have this well integrated.

    I read many good reviews about the fantastic workflow of Nanostudio 2 and I end up losing my time going back and forth to make sure it will run in sync. For this I feel fooled, it’s a crappy workflow.

    So the 1 star is not because of the features that are lacking, it’s for the features that are supposed to be there that aren’t , or not well integrated.

    Anyway, i feel that the dev left the boat longtime ago , and i’m here asking and losing my time talking to an empty shell.

    Other than than that I’m very friendly guys, I just don’t like to be fooled as customer.

  • Ableton link start/stop came out last year. It wasn’t a part of Link’s feature set when that functionality was built into NS2. Support for start/stop is not listed anywhere as a feature of NS2. It’s great that other apps have support for it but that does not mean that all apps with Ableton Link support it yet.

  • edited July 2020

    Most do by now though. That part of the OP complaint is perfectly valid. His way of expressing it, and especially the one star review for one sub-feature? Not so much IMO.

  • edited July 2020

    @Stiksi said:
    Ableton link start/stop came out last year. It wasn’t a part of Link’s feature set when that functionality was built into NS2. Support for start/stop is not listed anywhere as a feature of NS2. It’s great that other apps have support for it but that does not mean that all apps with Ableton Link support it yet.

    Actually, February 2018. But otherwise correct considering it was added prior to NS2's initial release. I've read that going from Link v2 to Link v3 can be a major task.

    I'm sure even the OP can agree that the promised iPhone version and audio tracks are a far higher priority. While I can't say I'm happy about the slow pace of development, I understand there's only so much one person can do. I for one respect Matt sticking to the priorities and not sidetracking every time someone gets irate about a missing feature here or there.

  • @number37 said:
    Most do by now though. That part of the OP complaint is perfectly valid. His way of expressing it, and especially the one star review for one sub-feature? Not so much IMO.

    A few one star ratings may move things a bit faster?

    With time, and in general, i notice that shaking the coconut make things move faster than finding excuses with caress and massage.

    En français on dit: qui aime bien châtie bien.

  • Nah. It just portrays you as petty and immature. Developers are more likely to blow-off unfair and unhelpful reviews and more likely to listen to balanced and constructive criticism. At least I would anyway.

    But, each to their own. You've the right to express yourself as you wish.

  • Balanced and constructive criticism.. You must be on Android or Apple post Steve Jobs..

    This Ableton Link feature should work as it works in 2020 not as it use to work in 2018. Facts. The rest is just finding excuses.

  • @number37 said:

    Actually, February 2018. But otherwise correct considering it was added prior to NS2's initial release. I've read that going from Link v2 to Link v3 can be a major task.

    Damn, you’re right. It took a long time to build up a following, though, I should have said: ”started seeing widespread adoption last year.”

  • edited July 2020

    @ozsound said:
    This Ableton Link feature should work as it works in 2020 not as it use to work in 2018. Facts. The rest is just finding excuses.

    Not necessarily. Limitation of human resources such as time is a fact too. If your boss demands you to complete 20 hours of work in 8 hours and you worked your hardest all day, is it just “finding excuses” that you didn’t get it done?

    If you assume the developer has all the time needed to do what you want, and that what you want is the highest priority, but the developer is just slacking, then that’s just finding excuses. But those are assumptions on your part, not facts.

    That Link Start/Stop is overdue to be working? Yes I agree with that opinion.

  • edited July 2020

    Nvm. Deleted.

  • @number37 said:

    Not necessarily. Limitation of human resources such as time is a fact too. If your boss demands you to complete 20 hours of work in 8 hours and you worked your hardest all day, is it just “finding excuses” that you didn’t get it done?

    If you assume the developer has all the time needed to do what you want, and that what you want is the highest priority, but the developer is just slacking, then that’s just finding excuses. But those are assumptions on your part, not facts.

    That Link Start/Stop is overdue to be working? Yes I agree with that opinion.

    Well said, and fair enough. And just for public interest:

  • I wish I was patient as you are. I come from desktop workflow and I find myself doing gymnastic to find a decent workflow on ipad to get the job done. The creative part is amazing but when it comes to ‘putting all together’ and finishing, I see myself looking more for workarounds than being effective. Tried mostly everything and spent lots.

    indeed at one point i always can export stems and finish on desktop. but I wish doing it on the iPad was a bit more convenient. I realize that is often due to the slow process of integration. There are two big weakness for me in most of the apps: file management, this audio share thing when we have now the drag and drop from the files app. Ending up with the same file in different folders and apps, etc.

    the other big flaw for me is the interactions between apps. And sync is one of these. AUM is a jewel for the creative part, but then.. I’m waiting for a mix between BM3, Cubasis3 and Auria pro. I don’t know why people put Nanostudio2 in this list. As it is for now, I use it more Like xequence with AUM.

    I think my « boss request » is coming from the sum of all these little frustrations.

    Now for assumptions, this is how I see it. If today I buy a product claiming it has Bluetooth in the list of features on the package , Yes I assume it is the latest version and not the version of two years ago. And I would give a bad review if I discover it only once I bought the product, open the package and read the small lines in the specifications. Some apps also just write ableton link support and once you connect they have start/stop. Without even mentioning it. So for me it was kind of obvious in 2020.

    Scrolled in the request section before posting and didn’t see one about it, as I can see it was already requested, so feel free to delete this topic.

  • edited July 2020

    Your experience and frustration is typical for people coming from desktop to iOS and expecting to have the same capabilities. They either learn to accept the limitations and use iOS for what it's good at and desktop for what it's good at, or they continue to build up frustration.

    I'm 1,000x more creative and spontaneous on iOS. I also have so many more amazing apps than I would ever have on desktop because I simply couldn't afford them. I have fun on iOS, whereas I can't say the same so much for desktop (ymmv). If I was serious about producing a lot of finished product? I'd create on iOS and finish on desktop.

    Anyway, I hope you can come to terms with iOS. It isn't going to change radically any time soon. The economics for developers just aren't there at iOS prices and with the App Store model. It's going to remain mostly the domain of independent developers doing it more for interest than to make a living.

  • I feel we are close to get this pro result. If more brands like Fabfilter get in the game. I don’t like this App Store model either.but sometimes I feel like devs want us to be stuck in their app, in their environment, and don’t make this cross app workflow easy on purpose ( no Ableton link at all in Zenbeats) I guess they think it will generate more in app purchases. (?) Have also this feeling on desktop.. but on iPad is counterproductive as the usage and user mindset is different. We want to use many apps.

    Anyway.. yes can’t and won’t get rid of desktop for now.i was in holidays away from it, I had in mind to do a song from start to finish and create a video in LumaFusion. From A to Z on iPad, and I got stuck on many letters in between..

  • edited July 2020

    Zenbeats does have Ableton Link (both tempo and start/stop). It's in the BPM setting dialog.

  • edited July 2020

    Sorry I meant IAA.. I heard also that Apple is not making life easier with this too. And this 30% on app revenue is unfair, and us as artist we get also peanuts from streaming services..

    If it’s money the problem and we want to support. why don’t we all send 20 bucks, crowdfunding until we reach a requested amount for a list of features we would like.. could be a solution.

  • @ozsound said:
    If it’s money the problem and we want to support. why don’t we all send 20 bucks, crowdfunding until we reach a requested amount for a list of features we would like.. could be a solution.

    +1. I’d gladly pay $20 if it would speed up the development of my favorite app. If iOS reviewers like Jakob Haq and SoundTestRoom have patreons, why not iOS Developers?

  • edited February 2021

    @ozsound i was bitching about midi start/stop but I do use link with my mpc one and and I think it’s actually working quite well:D yes I don’t get start simultaneously with mpc but any time you press play it’s in sync so I don’t see much of the problem there and that allows for project loading too. I think that’s awesome! Especially for live sets and if you build/program stuff with this in mind it shouldn’t be that hard to overcome certain roadblocks. Anyway can you describe your workflow and what are you trying to do? As i see it, there isn’t anything out there what has better workflow than ns2 for me and I have hw, tons of software and most of the iOS apps too but still 99.9% of my production is happening on iPad inside of ns2 and I have never been able to produce stuff that quickly and with so much joy;)
    Btw, while I think it’s ripoff to ask for 30% from sales I believe that’s been changed for small developers but ultimately that is sort of industry standard so it’s not Apple only;) I believe that’s coming from Epic law suit isn’t it? Those bastards go against Apple for them to take 30% but they don’t mind to resell few lines of code (in app purchase of some consumable or cosmetic item) to millions of people and then cry that they lost 30% on that, that’s just epic lame;) but it was alright to leverage out of iOS user base for them;) anyway I agree, that should be lower like half or so but we cannot forget that Apple check it’s apps before they are released so for that they need to be paid and frankly if that means apps are safe/viruses free etc then I understand that and prefer that too

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