The add tracks plus button and a duplicate track action
I don’t know how everyone else feels about holding down to get the menu but I feel like the workflow would be quicker if the tracks menu popped up when tapping instead of adding obsidian..... Now as far as duplicating the track it would be nice, for instance, to get the track duplicated I don’t mind doing the midi myself.... I usually make all of drums for a track from the same kit or at least my kick drum, snare, and highs.... Majority of the time it’s from the same kit though... instead of creating a new drum track then having to go reselect the kit every time it would be nice to just duplicate the track and that kit pop up again.... Of the 2 I would prefer the menu on one tap most though lol
Duplicate track would be cool, I often duplicate my bass track and filter one of for sub and the other for mid range bass. Would be nice to just duplicate instead of adding new track, selecting patch again and then copying midi parts
+1 to track menu popping up immediately
I would also prefer the menu to appear without holding the + button.
Duplicate track is on the list but not simple to achieve because of how flexible NS’s routing can be – lots of interconnectivity has to work right and if you accidentally or deliberately duplicate a parent track with dozens of children and if those have grandchildren and all have AU instruments and effects, you can see how this is a crash fest waiting to happen. I don’t think many other apps allow you to create these kinds of routings and, hence, don’t have the same difficulties doing a simple duplicate operation.
@PUMP would creating another track lane in the same kit do what you want? I use that a lot to separate the different functions, e.g. basic kick and snare is in one lane, percussion in another, fills in a third.
Another option in some cases is to set up a separate track with no instrument and just send the midi to the track with the kit.
Don’t know I’ve never tried that..... How would you mix them with effects? I like control over each sound
Yeah I see I figured duplication would be a harder process... The one touch would be perfect for real I never really use duplicate much unless I have a kick or vocal to parallel compress.... I wish I knew how to code I would help for free....
@PUMP Have you tried if copying and pasting the kit is quicker for you?

For MIDI, I would add a midi send or return in the mixer.
Ahhhhhh never thought of that!!!! Thanks gonna try it
OMG!!!!! Works great thanks!!!!
Excellent! 😀
+another Plus-One!
i'm happy with current functionality because in 95% of time i want to add Obsidian to project :-)))
I have four Obsidians in my default project, but only the main beat component Slates. Mostly I need to add Slates and AU instruments. Or maybe I should just put a couple empty ones into the default project 🤔
Adding Obsidian by default is just too Apple-like. I don't like anyone assuming what I want to do by default. It seems arrogant IMO.
+1 for popup menu by default. It will be good exercise for @Dendy to have to do an extra tap for each track. He'll thank me later when he sees how much the ladies admire his totally ripped index finger muscles.
Another in the pop-up by default camp here.
Also wouldn't mind if Duplicate was greyed out unless you had a non-parent track selected (to lessen complications). It's generally the track routing I'm looking to duplicate quickly. Creating a new instrument track and loading (or pasting) the patch is pretty quick.
Lol - good point! Include me as +1 for pop-up choice, since I'd really like that attention too
And I think it's a good idea!